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Automation is the process of using technology, software, or machines to perform tasks or operations autonomously with little or no human intervention in the process. It involves the use of software, robots, machines, or AI-based systems to improve
Lawn mowers come in various types, each with its own working mechanism, maintenance method, and advantages and disadvantages. These differences need to be understood in order to choose the type of lawn mower that suits our needs.There are
Appropriate Technology (TTG) is a technology designed according to the specific needs of the community, considering local social, cultural,
Here is an explanation of the differences between 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, including definitions, advantages, disadvantages, and examples of vehicles.Definition2-Stroke EngineA two-stroke engine is an engine that comp
Aquaplaning, or often called hydroplaning, is a phenomenon when a vehicle's tires lose tractio