Final Project Exhibition Activities Department of Mechanical Engineering, UNESA: An Inspiring Implementation of MBKM

Surabaya, August 20, 2024 – The Department
Mechanical Engineering of Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) successfully held
the Final Project Exhibition at the lobby of Building A6 with the theme
"Final Project Exhibition Activities of Department Mechanical Engineering,
Unesa, in the Implementation of MBKM." The event was attended by all
students and lecturers of the Mechanical Engineering Department, including the
Head of the Study Program, Ir. Priyo Heru Adiwibowo, S.T., M.T. This exhibition
is part of the implementation of the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka"
(MBKM) program, aiming to showcase the innovative works of the students. The
activity involved collaboration between the Physics and Machine Element Design
(PEM), taught by Akhmad Hafizh Ainur Rasyid, S.T., M.T., Bellina Yunitasari,
S.Si., M.Si., and Ahmad Saepuddin, S.T., M.Sc.

Various outstanding projects
created by the Mechanical Engineering students were displayed at the event,
Wireless Energy Transfer on Road
for Electrical Vehicles
Solar Panel Seed Robot
Automatic Tracking Solar Panel
Irrigation System
Self Balancing Motor Cycle
Landmine Detector Robot Vehicle
Iot-Based Automatic Plant Watering
Kinetic Energy Electromagnetic
Suspension System
360 Degree Fire Protection System
Generate Electricity by Plastic
and Waste
River Cleaning Robot
Mini 3D Printer

In his speech, Ir. Priyo Heru
Adiwibowo, S.T., M.T., the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program,
congratulated the students who successfully completed their projects. He also
expressed his appreciation for the successful execution of this exhibition,
hoping that these innovative works can be applied and provide tangible benefits
to the wider community.
Following this, Bellina
Yunitasari, S.Si., M.Si., representing the Physics teaching team, conveyed her
gratitude to Ir. Priyo Heru Adiwibowo, S.T., M.T., for his support, which
contributed to the smooth and successful execution of the exhibition. She also
congratulated the students on their achievements and expressed her hope that
such exhibitions would continue and expand in the future, with larger and more
vibrant scales.
This exhibition not only serves as
a platform for students to showcase their creativity but also stands as a
concrete proof of the implementation of the MBKM program advocated by Unesa. It
is hoped that this activity will inspire other students to keep innovating and
creating solutions that benefit the community, in line with Unesa’s vision and
mission as a State-Owned Legal Entity University (PTN-BH) focused on
technological advancement and societal welfare.
With the success of this
exhibition, the Mechanical Engineering Department of Unesa once again
demonstrates its commitment to producing graduates who are not only
academically competent but also possess practical and innovative skills
relevant to industry needs in the era of Industry 4.0.

This exhibition is expected to be
the starting point for further innovations and developments, capable of
addressing real-world challenges with directly applicable works, providing
positive impacts, and contributing to society and industries in the future.
*Written by Ahmad Saepuddin